Watch this space to stay up to date on important bills headed through the Colorado General Assembly during the 2024 session.

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PNC's Position

Bill Subject


Bill Number

Committee Assignment




SupportHousing in Transit-Oriented CommunitiesMabrey, Duran, GonzalesHB24-1313House Transportation, Housing & Local GovernmentSenate Second Reading Special Order - Passed with Amendments - Committee, FloorTake Action
SupportCause Required for Eviction of Residential TenantMabrey, Duran, GonzalesHB24-1098House Transportation, Housing & Local GovernmentGovernor SignedTake Action
SupportAccessory Dwelling UnitsAmabile, Weingberg, Mullica, ExumHB24-1152House Transportation, Housing & Local GovernmentSenate Second Reading Special Order - Passed with Amendments - Committee, Floor
SupportProhibit Residential Occupancy LimitsRutinel, Mabrey, Exum, GonzalesHB24-1007House Transportation, Housing & Local GovernmentGovernor Signed

Climate, Energy, and Transportation

SupportOzone Mitigation MeasuresWinter, Priola, Bacon, WillfordSB24-229Senate FinanceHouse Second Reading Special Order - Passed with Amendments - Committee
SupportOil & Gas Production FeesFenberg, Cutter, McCluski, VelascoSB24-230Senate Finance House Second Reading Special Order - Passed - No Amendments
SupportRepeal Severance Tax Exemption for Stripper WellsKipp, WinterHB24-1367House Energy & EnvironmentHouse Committee on Finance Refer Unamended to Appropriations
SupportPublic Notification of Hazardous Chemical ReleasesHamrick, Velasco, Cutter, Jaquez LewisHB24-1359House Energy & EnvironmentHouse Committee on Energy & Environment Refer Amended to Appropriations
SupportDisproportionately Impact Community Air PollutionWeissman, Rutinel, WinterHB24-1339House Energy & EnvironmentHouse Committee on Energy & Environment Refer Amended to AppropriationsTake Action
SupportMethods to Increase the Use of TransitPriola, Lewis, VigilSB24-032Senate Transportation & EnergyHouse Committee on Appropriations Refer Unamended to House Committee of the Whole
SupportProhibit Landscaping Practices for Water ConservationRoberts, Simpson, McCormick, McLachlanSB24-005House Agriculture, Water & Natural ResourcesGovernor Signed
SupportPerfluoroalkyl & Polyfluoroalkyl ChemicalsCutter, Kipp, RutinelSB24-081Senate Business, Labor, & TechnologySent to the Governor
SupportFront Range Passenger Rail District EfficiencyMauro, Boesenecker, ZenzingerHB24-1012Senate Transportation & EnergyGovernor Signed
SupportRailroad Safety RequirementsMabrey, Cutter, ExumHB24-1030House Transportation, Housing & Local GovernmentSenate Second Reading Laid Over to 05/04/2024 - No Amendments
OpposeAir Quality Ozone LevelsKirkmeyerSB24-095Senate TransportationSenate Third Reading Passed - No Amendments 

Economic Justice (Workers, Taxes and Schools)

SupportDeceptive Trade Practice Significant Impact StandardWeissman, Mabrey, GonzalesHB24-1014House JudiciaryLost
SupportAdjustments to Tax Expenditures to Reduce BurdenWeissman, Rutinel, HinrichsenHB24-1134House FinanceSenate Committee on Appropriations Refer Amended to Senate Committee of the Whole
SupportAmending Terms of Consumer Lending LawsWeissman, MabreyHB24-1148House FinanceIntroduced In Senate - Assigned to Finance
SupportProtections for Delivery Network Company DriversVigil, Mabrey, HinrichsenHB24-1129House Business Affairs & LaborHouse Considered Senate Amendments - Result was to Concur - Repass 
SupportRepeal and Reenact Earned Income Tax Credit IncreaseWillford, Young, KolkerHB24-1084House, Senate FinanceGovernor Signed
SupportPrevent Workplace Violence in Health-Care SettingHamrick, Garcia, DMJ, GonzalesHB24-1066House Health & Human ServicesHouse Committee on Health & Human Services Refer Amended to Appropriations

Abortion and Reproductive Rights

SupportImplement Fertility Coverage for Health PlansFroelichHB24-1025House Health & Human ServicesHouse Committee on Health & Human Services Refer Amended to Appropriations
OpposeRequire Information about Abortion Pill ReversalBottomsHB24-1106House Health & Human ServicesLost 

Safety and Criminal Justice Reform

SupportChild Sexual Abuse Accountability AmendmentDanielson, Fields, Duran, WeissmanSCR24-001Senate JudiciaryLost
SupportCriminal Record Sealing & Expungement ChangesMabrey, Soper, RodriguezHB24-1133House JudiciarySenate Second Reading Special Order - Passed - No Amendments
SupportYouth Sports Personnel RequirementsParentiHB24-1080House Health & Human ServicesHouse Considered Senate Amendments - Result was to Concur - Repass
SupportEx-Offenders Practice in Regulated OccupationsBacon, Bird, ColemanHB24-1004House Business Affairs & LaborSenate Committee on Appropriations Refer Unamended to Senate Committee of the Whole
SupportJail Standards Commission RecommendationsAmabile, Garcia, Fields, ColemanHB24-1054House JudiciarySenate Committee on Appropriations Refer Unamended to Senate Committee of the Whole
SupportPrivacy Protections Criminal Justice RecordsTitone, Ricks, Exum, FieldsHB24-1090Senate JudiciaryGovernor Signed
SupportCriminal and Juvenile Justice System Process StudyGonzales, Rodriguez, MartinezSB24-027Senate JudiciarySenate Committee on Judiciary Refer Unamended to Appropriations

Civil Rights and Democracy

SupportRacial Equity StudyColeman, Herod, RicksSB24-053Senate State, Veterans, & Military AffairsHouse Third Reading Passed - No Amendments
SupportBallot Access for Candidates with DisabilitiesOrtizHB24-1067House State, Civic, Military, & Veterans AffairsGovernor Signed
SupportNon-Legal Name ChangesVigil, F. Winter, MarchmanHB24-1039House EducationGovernor Signed
SupportGender-Affirming Health-Care Provider StudyVigil, Marchman, F. WinterHB24-1040House Health & Human ServicesLost
SupportOperation of Denver Health & Hospital AuthorityHoltorf & AmabileHB24-1086House Health & Human ServicesGovernor Signed
SupportCompensation for State Elected OfficialsEnglish, Ricks, HansenHB24-1059House State, Civic, Military, & Veterans AffairsHouse Considered Senate Amendments - Result was to Concur - Repass

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